Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks are one of the most serious threats your company can face. The severity and frequency of these attacks often exceed the possibilities of traditional protection methods.
Designed to help you have an easier and more profitable relationship with technology, GTS Anti-DDoS is an effective, convenient and accessible solution.
With GTS Anti-DDoS you benefit from detection mechanisms for rapid identification and classification, efficient filtering systems and multiple levels of security, but also adequate and modern response procedures.
Your company benefits from non-stop protection, and the negative effects of any attacks are reduced by actively monitoring and executing a set of technical and procedural countermeasures for rapid mitigation.
24/7 Protection and support
You have permanent access to our team of experienced specialists.
Real-time detection of different types of attacks
Predictable costs
No charge per attack or for increased malware traffic.
Traffic is not affected
We only block attack traffic, allowing legitimate traffic to run normally.


The success of a DDoS attack can, unfortunately, mean making essential components of your business unavailable: an e-commerce site, an e-banking system, a payment server or a critical extranet application. The danger is permanent, so the sooner you turn to GTS Anti-DDoS, the higher are your chances of such an attack finding you properly protected.

The GTS Anti-DDoS service has 3 components:
1. Getting a personalized protection plan set by our specialists, in collaboration with you and your technical team.
2. Non-stop monitoring and continuous analysis of normal traffic flow.
3. DDoS Mitigation. When a threat is detected, the system sends text and e-mail alerts to the relevant people in your company. Our experts verify and classify the event. The mitigation procedure begins, by redirecting the incoming traffic to the GTS Cleaning Center in less than a second!

The GTS Anti-DDoS service ensures your business continuity and does not allow DDoS attacks to affect your profitability, reputation or customer trust.
All business types are exposed to DDoS attacks, and each domain has several components that are sensitive to these risks and need GTS Anti-DDoS protection.
Finance and insurance: online customer accounts and trading platforms (which must comply with the recommendations given by the supervisory authorities).
Media and entertainment: media and content distribution sites, game servers and betting portals.
Retail and transport: critical e-commerce sites.
Internet & technology companies: internet portals and cloud platforms.
Tourism: online booking systems.
Public authorities: maintaining the availability of public sites.

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