Storage and resources to increase your business
You are searching for cloud solutions that really keep up with the development of your company. We know that, and that is why we have created the GTS Cloud services.
GTS Virtual Hosting Environment
Our public cloud service: a scalable environment, the calculation and storage power increase at the same time with your business.
GTS Virtual Private Server
Ready-to-use solution: customized and completely independent virtual servers.
GTS Dedicated Storage
Swift methods of storage and access to data, with redundant hardware architecture at all levels: controllers – disks – networking.
GTS Private Cloud
Dedicated virtualization platform, designed to meet the specifications of your company. It is ideal, if you cannot or do not want to resort to public cloud services.

“Our relation with GTS dates back to 2003, period in which the communication solutions provided by them were adjusted and adapted in order to meet our needs as quickly and efficiently as possible. Being serious, prompt and professional, the GTS team managed to develop a complete package of integrated IT&C services, customized to our business requirements, thus simplifying our entire communication process with employees and car distributors throughout the country”.

The security of data and data access are essential for the evolution and even existence of your business. The GTS cyber security services are covering all items exposed and all types of risks
GTS Server Security
The advanced security solution that provides protection for the services and applications of your company.
GTS Endpoint Protection
More security for your company, in terms of endpoint: desktop, laptop, mobile devices.
GTS Security Audit Solutions
Our team of experts is testing the security of your company’s IT infrastructure.
Mechanisms of rapid identification and classification, systems of effective filtering and response procedures.
GTS Firewall as a Service
A platform that enables you to assess, control and secure the traffic that goes in and out of your company through the internet access.
GTS Disaster Recovery as a Service
A set of solutions for your company’s systems, infrastructure and data to restart swiftly after an accidental shutdown.
GTS Back-Up as a Service
A set of services that provide protection and permanent availability of your company’s data.

“It is important for us to use the most cutting-edge technologies in order to honor the promises made to our patients. The technological advance in the infrastructure field provides the connectivity a top national medical network needs.
We have a long-term partnership with GTS Telecom, of more than 10 years, during which time they have always met our expectations, acted professionally and addressed our various needs (expansion, capacity, quality) with innovative and fast solutions. We have a common goal and that is to offer the best quality services to our customers”.

Access to internet and data and voice communication through secure and robust solutions
The stability, security and capacity of the data and internet connections play a very important role in any business
GTS Internet Access
Safe, reliable internet access, with unshared symmetric band and speeds between 1 Mbps and 10 Gbps.
GTS IP Transit
High class connectivity for your company’s customers, through our regional IP network.
GTS Ethernet Line
The private communication service that provides connectivity and data transfers between the offices of your company, at urban, regional or international level.
GTS Leased Line
Secure channel for data and voice communication in real time.
GTS Dark Fiber
Provides you with a direct optical fiber connection.
GTS Ethernet VPN
The data communication system inside your company, with large band width and no internet exposure.
You can send several information or type of information at the same type, through the same fiber.
The service of data communication between local networks (LAN) and other computerized systems used by your company, through a WAN network.

“The technical expertise and professionalism shown by the GTS Telecom experts, together with the quality of the provided services, constitute the basis of a long-term collaboration. We are happy to recommend the GTS services to all of those who are in search of high-quality solutions, but also of a reliable partner”.

We are working in a complex world, for customers that have new opportunities and issues daily. Coming to GTS means engaging in a process of continuous learning. If you also like this idea, access the job that suits you and let’s start working!

Do you want to read or download materials about our services or our fields of expertise? Here you can find leaflets, presentations and other information materials.
About GTS Telecom
GTS Telecom, a member of Deutsche Telekom AG, is one of the leading IT&C service providers in Romania with state-of-the-art technologies with exceptional standards.

GTS Data Backup
GTS Backup is designed to protect and ensure the business continuity of customers’ data located in GTS Data Centers or in customers’ premises

vCloud Availability
vCloud Availability (vCAV) is the only VMware-integrated replication solution. vCloud Availability supports a fast on-premises installation, without the need to set up a virtual private network (VPN) as well as VMware compatibility.

Virtual Hosting Environment (VHE)
GTS Virtual Hosting Environment (VHE) is the equivalent of a private Data Center composed of a number of resources (computing unit + memory + storage + additional services)...

Our data centers are the safest place for your company’s data!
They are located on two different tectonic plates. The design and building are modern and robust. Compliance with the international standards in the field ensured. The advanced systems of guard, fire protection and power supply.
Everything is figured for the security your business needs in this increasingly complex world.